Beetroot Raita / Pachadi

This is the second recipe of Beetroot raita or Beetroot pachadi in the space.This time I adapted the recipe from Santoshi and she had adapted it from her friend Nayana Prabhu....This is also one of my personal favourite recipe pachadi.This goes well with the main course.Beetroot is one of the healthiest vegetable which is filled with loads of nutrients.This is one of the easypeasy recipe....You may adjust the consistency of the ingredients as per your needs.This is not an accurate measure as I prepared it with the eye measurement.

Beetroot -1,medium sized,chopped finely(1 /2 cup or more)
Green chilly -1-2,chopped finely
Capsicum -3 tbsp,chopped finely
Cucumber -1/4 cup,chopped finely
Onion -1, chopped finely
Oil -1 tbsp
Sugar -a pinch
Curds - 1 cup
Salt - to taste
Coriander leaves -2 tbsp,chopped finely


  1. Heat oil,saute beetroot in oil until it fades little bit.
  2. Add green chilly and saute for a minute.
  3. Cool the mixture,mix it with curds, chopped onion,cucumber,capsicum,salt to taste and sugar.
  4. Garnish with chopped coriander leaves.
  5. Serve it in room temperature or chilled.

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