Carrot Milkshake

Carrot milkshake is a very healthy milkshake and is a favorite milkshake at our place.Everyone enjoys this milkshake thoroughly at our place.Carrot is a very healthy vegetable and is very good for eyes,rich in Vitamin A and it helps to get a glowing skin.It also prevents Cancer.I found some fresh carrots yesterday when I went for my fruit and veg shopping and thought of preparing this yummy milkshake for my family.This recipe is very easy to prepare...Carrots can be consumed either raw or cooked.There are many dishes where carrot is used as the main ingredient.I adapted this recipe from Santoshi and have been preparing this since few years from now since it is a super hit at our place.I used to also prepare this milkshake and take it at my workplace when I was working and my colleagues used to relish it heartily...Please try and let me know friends.

Milk-1/2 Lt

Sugar-1/2 cup

  1. Wash,peel and dice the carrot into round slices(as shown in the pic).
  2. Put it in a bowl,add cloves and steam in cooker for 10 minutes.
  3. Once it cools discard the cloves and blend it in a blender along with sugar until smooth and frothy.
  4. Chill it and serve.
  5. Add more milk or sugar accordingly.
  6. You may also retain the cloves if you like a strong flavor.
  7. You may also add a dash of cardamom powder for extra flavor.
